Thursday, June 25, 2020

What is ypur favourite word and why - 550 Words

What is ypur favourite word and why (Essay Sample) Content: What is your favorite word and why? When love is mentioned, people often think that it means of a couple who have agreed to be together and work together in order to achieve some goals in life. This is not always the case. Love is a general statement that is used to explain some kind of positive sentiments towards a person, something or towards a job or an object. It also includes the passion to do something to someone and catering for the wellbeing of another person or even strangers. Love can be a variety of different feelings and attitudes that may ranges from interpersonal pleasure. It can also refer to a some strong affection towards another person. It can also be a norm or virtue that shows how humans are supposed to interact and behave which clearly explains giving out to someone else generously. Love is very important in our lives, not only to mention but as a trait that each person should have. The main aspects of love are shown through love's actions of being kind, compassionate, offering care to others. It also contains the act of being helpful to neighbors or someone who is in need. If love is felt from the heart, then that is true love. In other instances people may abuse the word love by assuming that it is a channel to do immoral things. This is not the case. Instead, love should be outspoken, and have a lot of sacrifices being offered by one person to the other in order to keep everything the way it should be. An act of love can be shown where a person has little or no food in the house, but keeps away from eating lunch so that they could eat together with his or her partner in the evening even though he or she is sure that the partner may have some money to buy food. This act of tenderness and care is what love is. "Without love then there is no lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , this is what the old adage says. Love puts off unnecessary conflicts that emerge as people stay together. The opposite of love has always been hate. When people hate each other we have many setbacks that include killings of all manners, unhealthy lifestyles, and jealousy. Thus love helps to erase out these bad effects that are caused by lack of love. Hating someone may be caused by some factors like childhood rivalry, history or even unforgiving minds of people. Human beings should learn to embrace love since it's the only umbrella ...