Monday, September 30, 2019

Disguise As An Art Form

In Euripides The Bacchae, disguise is used as an art form, seeing that Dionysus is the god of the mask who offers his worshippers the freedom to be individuals that are other than themselves. Hence, Dionysus, the most important character in the play, uses disguise when he enters Thebes after many years wearing the costume of a stranger, and accompanied by bacchants. It is only at the end of the play that Dionysus unmasks himself to reveal his true form to the people. Moreover, the rites alluded to in the play happen to be replete with masked dancers, choral performances and processions of citizens in costumes (Segal).Pentheus is the second most important character in Euripides’ play. This man is the ruler of the state as well as the preserver of social order. During the course of the play, Pentheus acts as Dionysus’ double. The two are seen to switch roles. What is more, Pentheus masks himself as a woman by cross dressing. He wears a wig and long skirts, stripping himse lf of his masculinity and authority, only to be with women who have been seen resting blissfully in the forest, feasting on milk, honey and wine that springs from the ground.The women are playing music, suckling wild animals, and singing and dancing with joy. Pentheus cannot resist the sight. In his woman’s costume, he is attacked by the ladies and eventually killed in the fight by his own mother, Agaue (Segal). Whereas masking, disguise, or the use of costume to act as someone other than oneself, is an important art form throughout the play – and Euripides’ play would be nothing without it – the use of costume to disguise one’s lecherous intentions leads to the death of Pentheus. There is a strong message from the divinity of Dionysus, which practically rules the play.The message is: creativity through disguise is desirable, especially when the intention of the one who masks himself is good; however, evil intentions are strictly punished. As a mat ter of fact, the punishment of the mask is inevitable, seeing that Dionysus is also the â€Å"god of confrontation,† with his big, penetrating eyes foretelling doom for those who misuse the mask (Henrichs). While it is true that Dionysus – being the god of the mask – is the model for Pentheus, who would like to use the mask to enjoy life to the fullest, Dionysus as the god of the play must exercise his absolute authority.After all, the teaching of virtues is the responsibility of god. When Pentheus uses the mask just to eyeball the ladies in their private moments, the omnipresent god must allow the ladies to attack him. Dionysus allows the mother of Pentheus to kill him for his immorality, seeing that the man with the mask has merely used disguise to satisfy his lecherous inclinations. It can be inferred from this that the mask of Dionysus, the god of the mask, was simply a tool to help the god live on the earth with his people. While living with his people, the god must take action against man’s wrongdoing.Hence, Henrichs quotes Walter Otto on the subject of the mask thus: â€Å"Here there is nothing but encounter, from which there is no withdrawal – an immovable, spell-binding antipode. † While the mask of Dionysus is a â€Å"sacred object,† it is also a â€Å"source of the fascination and confusion† for the people, given that Dionysus is wearing the mask to merely live among his people and judge them according to their good or evil deeds (Henrichs). In a way, Dionysus is fooling his people by wearing the mask. Even so, it is his prerogative to fool his people if he wants to do so.There is a vast difference between the god of the mask and the man of the mask. The latter has not been granted the right to fool the people. This is the reason why Dionysus must keep an eye on his people to ensure that all those who imitate him by wearing masks would use the mask for good as opposed to evil. The immediacy of Dionysus’ gaze is a warning for the wrongdoers (Vernant). Nevertheless, Pentheus is totally unmindful of the god’s presence on earth. The masked dancers, on the other hand, do not have to be punished by Dionysus, for they did not use his attribute of masking for unethical deeds.The mask of Dionysus actually reveals that the masked one is not an ordinary human being. In point of fact, there is a â€Å"radical otherness† emphasized by the mask of Dionysus (Vernant). Moreover, it reveals the masked one as an elusive and enigmatic character who has the power to disorient all those who come across him. The smile of the mask may have allowed the masked dancers, at least, to understand that the attribute of masking must not be used for evildoing. Unfortunately, Pentheus could not understand the true use of the mask.After Dionysus has unmasked himself, however, the rest of the people may appreciate the reasons for Dionysus’ presence among them. According to Su: T he mask of Dionysus is a simulacrum not a representation. As Ginette Paris argues, â€Å"Dionysus is not the God behind the mask. He is the mask. † The mask of Dionysus is its own double which imitates nothing, a double that nothing anticipates. There is no original mask of Dionysus as such. The mask is always the mask of a mask. It is with this mask that Dionysus enters into the theater and becomes the patron god of the theater, a place which celebrates theart of miming, of disguise, of illusion, and of role-playing. Like the mime's operation professed by Mallarmà © in Mimique and interpreted by Derrida in â€Å"The Double Session,† the mask's performance does allude, â€Å"but alludes to nothing, alludes without breaking the mirror, without reaching beyond the looking-glass. † The mask of Dionysus defies Platonic or metaphysical conceptions of limitation. Through the mask, Dionysus introduces the unpredictable dimension of the ‘elsewhere' into the very heart of daily life. This ‘elsewhere’ is the ‘distancing places,’ where Nietzsche theDionysian piper would like to lure us. This ‘elsewhere’ is also the ‘outside’ where Blanchot would like to lead us; it is a radical outside which has nothing to do with the dialectical struggle of the inside and the outside, and transgresses the limit set by the idea of a self, of the subject, then of Truth and the One, then finally the idea of the Book and the Work. Undoubtedly, Dionysus’ mask also serves the purpose of helping his people to experience the difference between truth and falsehood. All that is seen by people may not be real.There are hidden intentions and objectives that we cannot see behind people’s actions. Similarly, the mask of Dionysus – while deluding his people with regards to the presence of the supreme judge among them – also allows his people to experience the fact of truth being mixed with false hood in the lives that they ordinarily live. The fact that Dionysus unmasks himself at the end of the play is to teach his people the lesson to look beyond the obvious. Perhaps there are many shades of truth, or no truth at all in our visions of the world.Dionysus would like his people to be strongly aware of the fact that there is much more to life than what they observe. The mask of Dionysus is always smiling, which expresses the fact that the god of the mask is fooling his people by appearing among them as a masked character – solely for judgment, as shown in the case of Pentheus. Dionysus enters the theatre with the mask, which is believed to have risen from the deep sea. The mask appears foreign and strange – an enigma that the people of Dionysus must decipher.It is also an unknown kind of power for them to appreciate. In short, the mask with its penetrating eyes calls for an interpretation. Although the masked dancers are able to interpret the mask of Dionysus in a perfectly innocent way, Pentheus is punished for his wrongdoing by way of the mask. At the end of the play, however, the god of the smiling mask also reveals to his people that there may be truth or falsehood behind what they see. Thus, the stranger’s mask serves many purposes, all of which are intelligently designed by the god of the mask.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Looking Glass Self Essay

In the most basic terms the Looking Glass self is your self image which is formed by the views others hold of you. These views the people around you have can have either a positive or negative effect on your self imagine. First we picture how our personality and appearance will come off to others, and then we think about how they will judge our personality and appearance. As people around us pass judgment on who we are this is when our self-concept develops, basically who we think we are and how we feel about ourselves as a whole. These judgments’ can have a powerful effect on ones beliefs and feelings about themselves. I’ve felt and been effected by the beliefs another person has about me. When I was in the 8th grade I thought I was a wonderful student, smart, well behaved. I felt as though my teachers all thought the same way. Then one day my homeroom teacher called me stupid for missing a homework assignment. To be called out in front of the class like that was horrifying. Though that wasn’t the only time an incidence like that occurred. In the 9th grade I struggled with math. I did poorly on tests, I already lacked confidence in the subject and it took one day with a substitute teacher to shatter it completely. I will never forget the words she said to me â€Å"Why can’t you finish the test? Are you stupid? † As child of any age, those words are damaging to the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think others perceive you. â€Å"Tell a child he’s stupid enough times and eventually he’ll start believing you, claims Benj Vardigan, with the Behavioral Institute. When a child makes mistakes or doesn’t understand a concept, his knee-jerk reaction may be to conclude that he’s stupid. Take that one step further and watch a child stop trying to understand or stop trying to learn a concept because he automatically assumes he can’t figure it out. † (Hatter) In A Class Divided on of the first examples of looking glass self that I picked up on was when the children came back in from recess after fighting. Mrs. Elliot asks â€Å"What’s wrong with being called brown eyes? † and a little  boy, Roy, says â€Å"It means we’re stupider and – well, not that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It’s immediate how the effect of this experiment took hold. These children took to heart what their teacher, Mrs. Elliot had said, that brown eyed children are less than blue eyed children, they aren’t as smart or as well behaved. In the first day of the lesson the effects on their peers perception of them had caused so much turmoil that it caused one child to hit another, clearly the negative aspect of looking glass. In the Teaching Adults section, Mrs. Elliott describes how she gave tests before during and after the lesson on discrimination. Telling the audience that the student test scores raise on the day they are on top, scores drop when they are on the bottom and after the experiment the children’s testing scores maintain a higher level. She attributed this to the children discovering how good they are. I believe instilling a positive self-imagine in a child is one of the most important things a parent, or teacher can do. â€Å"Whether self-concept is positive or negative can influence important areas of a child’s development and achievement. Educators have recognized that there is a link between self-concept and performance in school. Students with a strong self-concept tend to have good grades and take an active role in school. They are able to accept challenges and enjoy new learning experiences. Students with a negative self-concept tend to have both attitude and behavior problems. They may be unwilling to try new things, because they believe they will fail anyway, or they may not work up to their potential. Some educators feel that a positive self-concept is so important that children need to be taught to like themselves before they are taught academic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics. † (Myers-Walls and Hinkley)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managing Projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Projects - Essay Example Another aspect of global or domestic management is ability of project manager to be able to monitor a project closely and control different dimensions such as, cost, quality and integration. These differences are sometime very different and sometimes very similar distinctions that can leave company leaders looking for contingency plans. Organization looking to get into globalization must take into consideration such differing factors as the language, expatriate, cultural, political, legal, economic, technological and many more that exist between the US and foreign countries. But only four of these items will be discussed in regards to globalization and the problems companies facing when venturing into foreign countries. The most common barrier organizations encounter going into foreign countries is language barriers. There are unspoken signals and gestures that are non verbal form of communication that that sometimes may be disregarded. Non verbal forms of communication include gestures, body language and semiotics, which refer to the underlying meaning of signs. Companies also encounter the issue of translation of document in English to various languages. For instance, the company I work for have subsidiaries in China, Japan, Taiwan and other parts of the world. On several occasion we have had problems with translations of our documents into various languages. ... ntages to the project team but more careful attention need to be given to development work, more careful attention needs to be given to the team of what is expected of them. Expatriates face the difficult of local team members not wanting to share their knowledge or lend a helping hand to an outsider. Using expatriates can be costly because the organization would have to provide housing and transportation and other amenities for the duration of the project. Cultural differences can be sub-group into attitudes, beliefs and values. Employee attitudes differ from country to country and this affects the way consumers in foreign countries react to certain scenarios. For instance, people in some foreign countries beliefs that a man should be the head of a business unit but in the US we belief in placing the most qualified person in the position. In terms of attitude, some cultures do not allow lower level employees to speak during a business because the respect is supposed to go to the head of the department. Lower level employees are required to brief their boss on every aspect of the business before the meet and during the meeting they are not allowed to comment or contradict. To illustrate how cultural differences can affect an international country I will use the example of the company I for, we were so insensitive to the religious beliefs of our Muslim countries who we conduct business with that we use a bi-product made from pig intestin e and at the end the drug product was reject by the Health Authorities of those countries. We had to find a substitute for the bi-product in order to keep the drug on the market. Other area of importance for companies to consider when entering into foreign markets is politics, which reflects the importance of the government and the legal

Friday, September 27, 2019

Limited Liability Partnership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Limited Liability Partnership - Essay Example In a general format of partnership business it is a legal practice that all partners have unlimited liabilities with respect to their business debts and if one person is declared insolvent then the other partners are bound by law to pay for his debts, loans and liabilities from their own personal assets and property. Limited liability on the other hand is not the same as other partnership concerns; it differs a lot in the liability context from other partnership businesses. With respect to the liability clauses, it is more resembling to the corporation. Limited liability means that partners have limited liabilities with respect to their debts and loans of the firm. One partner is not jointly and severally responsible for the actions and deeds of other partners and that his personal assets will not be used to pay for the liabilities of the firm or other partners. Therefore, every partner in the partnership firm will have limited liability towards the liabilities of the firm and other partners in the firm as well. This is very much same to the limited liability company in which every member of the company is responsible to pay for the liabilities of the company to the extent he has invested into the company. Therefore, a limited liability partnership can be defined in the following words: Thepartneror investor's liabilityislimitedto theamounthe/she has invested in thecompany. Thissetuptypically prevents each partner from beingheldaccountablefor the wrongdoings of another partner. Although an LLP can be used in manyfields, it is most commonly used inlawor accountingfirms. The laws relating to an LLP differ significantly betweencountries, and even from state to state. As the definition states that the liability of the partner or investor is limited to the extent of amount he or she has invested in the firm and that this type of partnership prevents one partner for being held responsible for the work of other partners. It is also stated that this partnership can be used in many fields but this sort of partnership is particularly important for professional firms. In professional firms as the size of the firm started to grow and more and more partners were needed to perform the work in the firm, there was a great threat of extra ordinary risk involved in the addition of other partners in the partnership firm where every partner is an agent of other partners and jointly and severally responsible for the work of other partners. Therefore, there is thought to be dire need of forming limited liability partnerships in the professional firms where matters relating to high financial values are very important to the firm and the firm's professional advice is being given relating to those high valued matters. If anything goes wrong due to the recklessness of one partner then other partner should not be held responsible for the wrong doings of that partner. The requirements for the formation and conduction of business as a limited liability company as mentioned in the law of United Kingdom under the respective acts are described in the following paragraphs. Set-Up The set up requirements as mentioned in t

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Rising Economic Importance of Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

The Rising Economic Importance of Women - Essay Example rmination model with three component parts: the individual-level segment, which includes variables such as education and age; the structural-level segment, which includes variables such as hours worked per week, industry, and occupation; a gender-level segment, which includes variables such as sex, marital status, and with child under age six. Results indicate that, net of other factors, women earn $111.21 less per week than men in spite of having a higher percentage of college degrees and positions in white-collar high-skill employment. Analysis of the results suggests that there are two potential means by which the pay-gap can be reduced. Women are typically, either by choice or because they are forced, selected into gender homogenous positions such as education or healthcare that are devalued. Women therefore need to select positions that will generate a more heterogeneous employment structure and pursue occupations in typically male dominated areas. Additionally, the enactment of a Pay Equity Act could further restore the balance and redistribute income by evaluating positions based on the value of their work and not based on sex, race, or other personal/individual attributes. Four decades have passed since the enactment of the Equal Pay Act (1963), but are we any closer to gender equality? The Equal Pay Act was created as a result of the large income discrepancies that existed for individuals doing the same work and was termed pay discrimination. Throughout the years many justifications have been put forth for unequal pay based on gender with the predominant being the sex difference in productivity. Sex segregation, the division of labor based on gender, has existed from almost the beginning and is arguably one of the most profound reasons why the pay-gap still exists today. The Equal Pay Act has done little to address this issue because it only addresses gender income differences for those individuals occupying the same positions. Another justification for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A journal - Essay Example Initially I used to jot down a few points in the margin to make me remember things, but learning to create visual learning pegs by labeling notes along the margins, using contrasting colors and styles took my learning strategies to a different level. Other learning skills such as associating different patterns with physical objects, or filling in information from texts and handouts and constantly discussing the topic with colleagues had never occurred to me before and which made learning for me a tedious job. This new way of learning helps me not only to store matter well in my mind but also to recall the matter easily. I think condensing techniques are useful tools that facilitate memorization because when I think of the way I used to try and memorize things, makes me wonder why I never employed these techniques before; because now I find memorizing much easier. Another helpful tool I picked up, was fitting in new matter into the old concepts and reviewing them from time to time. I found this to be exceptionally useful because it helped me to revise a matter that I had deviously learned and it made memorization easier task. Note- taking was a familiar task that I made use during lectures, but the manner in which I used to handle it was a bit monotonous. I came to know that one of the primary goals of note-taking is the gathering of relevant information which could be used for after-class study and organization of ones thoughts. Learning the right technique helped me to jot down notes in a comprehensive manner, which in turn increased my speed and pace. I also learned to take full advantage of the optimal memory curve, by labeling in the margins, using a different color and style. Creating important charts involving visual, auditory and intellectual capacities, in addition to making use of headings, labeling, indenting and other details has gone a long way in helping me to memorize and recall as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


HOW MIGHT THE HOLISTIC MODEL HELP MEET THE MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE - Essay Example The holistic model encourages nurses to constantly look for factors and relations that affect the complexity of health and illness (Keady & Watts 2010). Application of this model in mental health care nursing requires involvement of the whole persons’ wellbeing and the overall quality of life style with the focus of the nursing interventions directed towards restoring overall harmony with a sense of purpose and meaning in an individual’s life. The patient under nursing care is considered a co-participant in health promotion, working closely with the nurse to determine necessary and appropriate interventions over their health condition. Multidisciplinary team assessments and treatment of older people with mental health problems facilitates implementation of the holistic approach to care for and meet the complex health and social needs presented by this group of patients (Gask 2009). According to Corry (2005), the need for holistic approach in the care of people with ment al illnesses has been illustrated by a report associating poor physical care with the high rate of deaths among such people in UK. Studies have shown that people with severe mental illness are at greater risk of physical illness attributed to their lifestyle factors and mental condition. Further studies have shown that despite the UK government’s recommendations for physical health assessment among people with severe mental health problems majority of the patients lack any health history or lifestyle management plan (Corry 2005). The physical health of people with severe mental illness especially among the older people remains a major concern with evidence indicating that psychiatric patients have high rates of physical illness that go undetected contributing to increased premature deaths (Neno, Aveyard & Heath 2008). In addition, most people with mild mental illnesses are neglected, with little or no focus in helping them overcome such illness. Older people experience mental illness that is complex, enduring and debilitating and sometimes age with long-standing mental health needs. Older people with enduring mental health problems have several needs requiring professional care including the long-term effects of high doses of psychotropic medication, the erosion of a person’s social skills and ability to adhere to positive healthy life approaches, high use of alcohol and other substance abuse (Keady & Watts 2010). Other issues arising from the application of the non-holistic approach include confusion of some symptoms for aspects of mental illness, including symptoms common in old age such as anoxia, pain, constipation and weight loss. Application of the Holistic Approach or Model All the discussed needs must be addressed amicably if improved mental health and quality of life were to be realized in this group of people hence the need for the holistic approach in managing such needs. A holistic approach is able to integrate physical needs, social, environmental, economic and psychological needs in managing mental illnesses among the older people (Keady & Watts 2010). Through the holistic approach mental health nurses should focus on connecting with the older people and families in their distress, provide security, create trust and good relationship where the people can confident in finding meaning and truth about their situation. In this case, skilled,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Leadership - Assignment Example The leader facilitates the movement towards accomplishing organizational goals. Several types of leadership have been identified over the years, with traditional approaches before the 21st century characterized as â€Å"command and control† styles. From this description, the leader assumes a strict, firm, â€Å"no-questions-asked† stance, with his word considered as the law by his followers. Such an approach is not appropriate anymore in these contemporary times. This essay shall discuss the various leadership models conceptualized by theorists, scholars and researchers as observed in different settings. It will also associate the relevant leadership approaches to a large corporation, RasGas Company Limited in Quatar. â€Å"a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills† (para.3). To a great leader his destination is clear. Thus, he maps out the directions for his members to navigate towards that vision. He works with others on strategies to achieve their goals and not pull the limelight to himself. This is very empowering for his followers, and they develop the needed confidence in their abilities which pushes them to embrace challenges and opportunities. Their leader’s positive influence earns him the respect he deserves, so everyone follows him in the pursuit of a shared mission for the growth and development of their organization (Leithwood & Riehl, 2003). In work environments, leadership may be distinguished from management. Leadership is the provision of direction to the organization, sharing an overview of the plans they share, coming up with organizational standards and making decisions for the welfare of the whole organization. Management, on the other hand, management is concerned

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Baz Luhrmanns Essay Example for Free

Baz Luhrmanns Essay How does Baz Luhrmanns film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet visually highlight Shakespeares rich language and imagery? Shakespeares use of language reflects the theatre of his day. There were no elaborate set designs, costumes, lighting or sound effects and there were also only a small number of actors playing many different parts. This could get confusing and therefore the language and imagery had to do all the work for the audience, as the words were the only tools available to help them imagine the scenes vividly. In the prologue of Romeo and Juliet, line number twelve; Is now the two hours traffic of our stage and the very last words; our toil shall strive to mend, have significant meaning. These sentences, spoken by the chorus, highlight to the audience the key plot elements to come. It gives the audience an idea of what they are about to watch or read and makes the ensuing action more intelligible. This dramatic convention therefore acts almost like a movie trailer. In Baz Luhrmanns film adaptation of the play, the prologue begins with a long shot of a television (within a television), with a reporter speaking to us from inside of it. Behind the reporters left shoulder are the words star-crossed lovers and a symbol of a broken ring. This, in the first minute of the play, already introduces us to the fact that Romeo and Juliet are star-crossed lovers, which is a major theme throughout the entire play. The news reporter then delivers the whole prologue from beginning to end, before the camera zooms further and further in until the point of extreme close up, at which point the prologue changes. This is how Baz Luhrmann achieves a similar effect to Shakespeares dramatic use of the prologue. By doing this, it is almost as if we are entering the movie and if you do not wish to go in then it is your choice not to continue watching. In the second sentence of the prologue, In fair Verona (where we lay our scene), Shakespeare carefully uses the positive modifier fair to describe the city. This emphasizes the fact that Verona is closely associated with God, therefore establishing it as a peaceful, moral city. However, this is contradicted by negative modifiers in the next sentences of the prologue, which are From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. This brings in the fact that there is an old grudge between two families. However, with this grudge there is blood shed and constant fights, some of which draw in innocent civilians. In the movie this section of the prologue is shot from a fast-moving helicopter. There is an extreme long shot and an aerial view of Verona, which introduces us to the town. A statue of Jesus is shown, immediately followed by the words IN FAIR VERONA, in large, white letters. Then, for several seconds, there is jump cutting between the Jesus statue and the phrase. This is how Baz Luhrmann shows us that Verona is normally a good, religious city. This is then followed by some fast, substantial shots. We are shown two separate buildings; one which has the sign Montague at the top, and the other which has the sign Capulet on top. This introduces us to the two feuding families who are the centre of the play. In addition, a police car which says Verona Police is filmed. All of these key points visually highlight Shakespeares imagery and language. The police car is an indication of the violence to come that is caused by the feud and upsets the normal, peaceful status quo. The first six lines of the prologue are essentially the most important in establishing the plot for example lines three and four from the prologue: from ancient grudge break to new mutiny and where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. Luhrmann usually emphasises these points with newspaper headlines shown in the movie with those exact sentences on them. These lines of the prologue are also heard as the voice-over of the Friar. Jump cutting is used to move from headline to headline and the newspapers are shot in extreme close up, surrounded by flames of fire. With each sentence of the prologue that is said, an accompanying image is shown on the screen with it. These include violent images such as police cars and police helicopters. Overall, expressive lighting is used in the film, to add even greater intensity to the conflict between peace and war in Verona. This, along with words such as death, rage and blood, really start to show the dark side of the plot and ironically contrasts with Verona being described as a fair city previously. Next, line ten of the prologue, the continuance of their parents rage, establishes the fact that the grudge between the families is a long-standing ordeal. This is represented in the movie with a montage, showing the many magazines which talk about the hatred of the two families. Line five in the prologue, from forth the fatal loins of these two foes, aims to introduce the parents of Romeo and Juliet and in fact the two main characters themselves. Therefore, at this point, Baz Lurhmann shows a short clip of each significant actor in the movie. This is followed by a freeze frame on them, with the name of their character and any outstanding relationships he or she might have with other characters. The freeze frames are extremely close up on the characters faces and it sets the scene for the rest of the movie, so we know who to look out for. This is also an opportunity for Baz Luhrmann to give some limited information about the characters status. He does so by filming Montague and Capulet at a slightly lower angle than the others, making them appear more intimidating than the rest. This is how he effectively shows that they are the heads of the two households. In lines six and nine of the prologue, Shakespeare uses such phrases as star-crossed and death-marked to describe Romeo and Juliets love. First of all, love and death are oxymoronic and are not commonly found together in the same sentence. Secondly, star-crossed implies that they have no control over their love. It implies that Fate is in control and the minute they fell in love both were destined to die. In the film during this time, loud, fast and rising operatic music is played. This is incidental music significantly increases the level of tension and drama in the prologue. This is therefore appropriate for trying to emphasize the fact of the couples fated love. What Baz Luhrmann does here is basically pull the whole prologue together. Proceeding this, after the prologue has been explained, Baz Luhrmann tries to increase the level of suspense even further, to truly point out the violence and the tragic ending of the play. Therefore what he does, with the opera music still playing, is show most of the prologue on the screen in writing. Jump cutting is used between each sentence, but it is barely readable since the editing is at such a high speed, so the prologue is literally flashing before your eyes. Afterwards, Baz Luhrmann shows snippets from the entire movie to the audience. Jump cutting is used and the images flash at a very high speed before you. He goes from the end to the beginning of the movie, and what he achieves is, in a sense, a visual prologue! At the very end of the prologue, the title Romeo + Juliet comes up and the plus sign is actually made to suggest a Christian cross. This subtly reminds us of the religious side of the play. This includes the Friar, who is a religious personage, the wedding that Romeo and Juliet have and also the whole theme of destiny and some divinity or higher power looking over and controlling us in life. So in conclusion, this is how Baz Luhrmanns film adaptation of the prologue from Romeo and Juliet successfully visually highlights Shakespeares rich language and imagery. We can see how he has gone through the prologue and then fairly systematically translated its deeper meaning, in remarkably creative ways. He effectively translates all the messages of the prologue in a contemporary and entertaining context.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sustainable city Essay Example for Free

Sustainable city Essay Planning gives spice in life. From planning a wedding ceremony, preparing how to pass job interviews, thinking about getting into a relationship, to family meal planning, what course to take in college, buying what cellphone brand you like, what time you are going to start your day, what color would you want to wear when you come to office, and planning what to do to brighten up someone’s day. The famous philosopher Confucius once said that: â€Å"A man who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door. † In every aspect of life that needs decision making planning is very essential. So, planning simply means getting away from trouble. Hence, if there is planning then there are set of goals and objectives that need to be attained. Needless to say, the success of the goals and objectives that has been set is the optimal result of planning. Otherwise, somebody who did not plan should be ready to face the consequence of actions done without putting a second thought. But planning is not always about waiting for the good things to come, well, unless of course one is prepared to fail. It could be another story, but who plans to fail anyhow? This is why planning should be defined appropriately. Planning is (1) deciding future course of action from amongst alternatives, (2) is a process that involves making and evaluating each set of interrelated decisions, and (3) selection of missions, objectives and translation of knowledge into action. For some experts in different fields like Alan Lakein, a famous American writer, planning is â€Å"bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. † On the other hand former president of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower stated that â€Å"plans are nothing; planning is everything. † President Eisenhower also gave necessary points about military planning â€Å"in preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. † Moreover, cultures have united ideas about how significant planning is. Chinese believe that â€Å"when planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people. † Plato a Greek philosopher once said that â€Å"the beginning is the most important part of the work† wherein planning takes place at the beginning of every project, event, and decision making. The Bible as well says that Lord does planning for his creations especially human beings because good things come to those who have faith in Him like what is written in Jeremiah 29:11 of Today’s International Version of the Bible: â€Å"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. † Since we are aware about what happens if careful planning is done we are also aware that not all things that had been planned always turn out to be the expected results we want to achieve. Meaning planning is not always as rewarding as we though it could be. Otherwise, failure would not exist. Planning without proper application will result to failure. But the quintessential part of planning is, if one plans he or she has already an edge over achieving good results just like what the famous Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes said: â€Å"to be prepared is half the victory. † There are many facets in life that need planning say for example family planning, business planning, financial planning, urban planning, and educational planning. In business, planning is profit and money not bankcruptcy. Family planning means a good and a happy family life. In financial aspect, planning means more savings and not total reliance in credit cards. In urban planning which includes both the aesthetic and safety aspects of a city, planning means sustainable city. For educational planning, parents chose to pay for educational plans just to ensure their children’s future. In general cases, say for example in planning an event to make it successful the organizers put up a separate committee called ad hoc committee just to have people who will be responsible in the planning process. The ad hoc committee is accountable in thinking of possible plans and should carry out means in the realization of the success of the event.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cadbury Strategic Analysis

Cadbury Strategic Analysis The individual report assesses the critical aspects of the strategic choices available to Cadbury. Recommendations are given to assess the companys perspectives on the revenue growth and profit as well as market share. The report assesses marketing strategy models applied by Cadbury to indicate its market and competitive position. Furthermore, strategic segmentation is critically evaluated on the basis of the multi-step process to identify the most financially attractive segments for Cadbury. Available industry position strategic options are identified on the basis of the strategic framework. Competitor reaction provides critical assessment of possible competitors reactions as well as competitors strategic options that are counteractive to Cadburys strategic plans. Finally, the report proposes and justifies the most preferable strategic option for its further business operations. Cadburys background In 1831 John Cadbury founded his company Cadbury which has successfully covered and revolutionized the cocoa processing market since 1866. In 1969 Cadbury successfully merged with Schweppes. Today, internationally acknowledged as a reputable corporation with the acclaimed international status, Cadbury Schweppes PLC (hereinafter referred to as Cadbury) successfully employs more than 50,000 people in 60 countries of the world  [1]  . The company is strategically positioned as the fourth top supplier of sugar confectionery and chocolate in the world. The most successful product promoted by the company since 1905 is Dairy Milk which has become the most popular moulded chocolate in the UK as well as internationally acclaimed chocolate bar in terms of revenue  [2]  . Overall, Cadburys strategic success is due to three core pillars: high quality, sound advertising, and value for money  [3]  . 1. Marketing Strategy Models Cadbury strategically applies marketing models as a combination of activities to transfer its products to the end-customers. Vast variety of marketing activities requires proper management of to effectively promote products on the confectionary markets through marketing channels. In its strategic choice of appropriate marketing model, Cadbury emphasizes on such strategic issues: Connecting Cadbury with customers; Performing sales, promotions and advertising; Impacting Cadburys pricing strategy; Influencing product strategy through willingness to stock, branding policies, and profit customizing  [4]  . The selection of the most advantageous marketing strategy for Cadbury depends on a number of factors. Thus, marketing strategy should be perceived as the designated action plan which will help Cadbury to reach its strategic aims and objectives. Cadburys long-term marketing strategy (based on Ansoff matrix) concerns the launch of new chocolate brands and their promotion on the global markets. Alternatively, the company should win more international markets through the manufacturing and exporting new products (e.g. cereal bars). Further recommendations concern the appropriateness of the strategic choices to be made by Cadbury in the nearest future  [5]  . In terms of further strategic growth, Cadbury should apply Ansoff Growth Matrix while focusing on new products and perspective markets. Apparently, there is no need for Cadbury to advance and promote the existing chocolate products since they are already widely acknowledged in terms of quality and high reputation among the Cadburys target markets  [6]  . Appropriate marketing channels set up the strategy which enables Cadbury to win competition, avoid tactical mistakes, maximize profits and achieve success. Cadbury should therefore figure out how it measures success before it can go out and conquer it, whether it is market share, profit margin, return on investment, residual income, brand image, a reputation for being environmentally green, stock share price, or some other measure its stakeholders deem worthy  [7]  . Most companies compete in the market by applying competitive priorities, including quality, cost, flexibility as well as other priorities, depending on their manufacturing capacity. Top management support is the major driver of quality management, which significantly correlates with other quality management practices. In addition to this, customer orientation is not significantly correlated with external quality results (profitability). At that, top management support, employee training, and employee involvement are the three statistically significant variables in explaining the variability in internal quality results  [8]  . Cadburys marketing channels are aimed at the consumer market. The company is focusing much on the needs and wants of the consumer and what exactly differentiates its products from the competition to develop more sales in this market. Thus, Cadbury is working on the promotion of its direct model to create a better position for itself in the consumer market. The peculiarity of Cadburys advertising campaign consists in its focus on the emotions of the chocolate lovers compared to merely logical side of marketing and sales. In such a way, Cadbury reassures its customer support by applying strong emotional advertising campaign focusing on the preferences and likes of the consumers when they opt for a chocolate purchase. In addition to faster transactions, shorter lines and happier customers, such strategic approach to market modeling enables to see interaction with the business through the eyes of the customer, understand customers values and demands, and seek ways to disrupt the competit ive balance. For these purposes, the company is applying such customer-oriented sources as print media, television, radio, Internet, as well as social networks. While aiming to increase Cadburys sales, the companys management emphasizes on the appropriateness of particular marketing activities that would best encourage the demand for Cadburys products. Cadburys marketing objectives coincide with its business strategy priorities ultimately targeted at profit-making and sales increase. Strategic marketing models for Cadbury are identified as follows: (1) Profit maximisation; (2) Survival; (3) Growth; (4) Sales maximisation; (5) Diversification; and (6) Improvement of product image. The rational combination of these strategic marketing models determines the competitive market position of Cadburys. Through profit maximisation, Cadbury solves dual strategic task withstanding competition, on the one hand, and restoring its financial health, on the other hand. Through growth, Cadbury sells new products and expands its exports overseas. This strategy model enables the company to cover new market niches internationally  [9]  . As for now, the company is present in 60 countries worldwide. Meanwhile, the company permanently increases and maximizes its sales. Through diversification, Cadbury spreads its business risks regardless of the successfulness of the sales of one particular product. In marketing terms, it is of utmost strategic importance that Cadbury constantly improves the image of its products by: (1) launching new brands; (2) introducing innovative logos; and (3) applying attractive and convenient packaging. For instance, while promoting one of its chocolate products Fuse, Cadbury marketing strategy was aimed at the growth of chocolate confectionery market, as well as the intensification of its presence on the snacking sector. Prior to launching Fuse, Cadbury ensured that Fuse differed (had relevant points of difference) from the already existing competitors chocolates. While conquering the snaking sector and establishing its competitive share therein, Cadbury created USP (unique selling proposition) which meant that Fuse had unique appeal which differed from any of the existing rival chocolates. It is apparent that the implementation of a successful marketing strategy model requires solid investment. While promoting Fuse, Cadbury heavily invested into testing products ingredients. As a result, final recipe of Fuse included a combination of more than 250 ingredients. This indicates that in marketing terms Cadbury closely related product development to the specialized testing. This helped the company to reach proper consumer demand. The desired outcome was to make each customer feel comfortable with purchased product and not regret their choice. At that, Cadbury is not applying the methods of extreme advertising since its most powerful advertising tool is the word of mouth. In addition, purchasing the products, the customers are feeling they are backed. To enhance consumer demand for its products and establish line promotion Cadbury actively applies available consumer media and advertising sources (including popular magazines, Internet, radio, TV and newspapers). Since 1990s, the company promotes its brands through the taste-stimulating approach which claims that Chocolate is Cadbury. Such high recognition is owned to the brand values previously promoted by the Company, and so now the consumers associate the name of a company with the chocolate as well as the pleasure of chocolate tasting. Since 2000, Cadbury Schweppes enters international markets with Choose Cadbury marketing strategy. The promotional strategy considers consumer awareness as well as the rationality of consumer buying behaviour. The choice of Cadburys marketing strategy is built on the consideration of universal consumer choice. In its strategic consumer-oriented thinking Cadbury developed proper texture and distinctive taste that appeal to the consumers all over the world regardless of their national chocolate preferences  [10]  . Cadburys strategic marketing model was designated in a way to satisfy the major preferences of chocolate lovers. Therefore, the company produced its two most successful brands Dairy Milk to suit dark milk chocolate admirers, and Cadburys Whole Nut, Dream and CDM to suit cream milk chocolate lovers  [11]  . Cadburys product-specialized market strategy enabled the company to grow its market share and lead competition with its main competitors on the confectionery market. 2. Segmentation The annual sales on the UK confectionary market ranges from 5 to 6 billion. Herewith, chocolate sales amount to about 70% and worth 3-4bilion accordingly. Since 2003, Cadbury has been increasing own share on the UK confectionary market which makes up about 1/3 of the market. The remaining part is distributed among Cadburys main rivals Nestle and Mars. While segmenting its target market Cadbury divides heterogeneous demand markets into homogenous groups which are grounded on similar features. Homogeneous segment enables the company to divide its target markets on the basis of homogeneous features  [12]  . While dividing its target market into segments, Cadbury applies segmenting criteria that particularly feature each part of the market: Geographic Segmentation; Demographic Segmentation; Benefits-Sought Segmentation; Psychographic Segmentation; Behavior/Usage Segmentation; and Situation Segmentation Segmentation Base groups diversify target markets on the basis of such criteria as: social class, lifestyles and psychological features (attitudes, interests and opinions), and include the following: Social class; Life-cycle; Income Level; Education; and Ethical background  [13]   Cadburys target market is segmented on the basis of the benefits demanded by the customers with regard to specific chocolate products. Purchase situation assumes: Social surroundings; Physical surroundings; and Temporal perspective The segmentation of Cadburys target markets is made with the consideration of how often consumers buy chocolate products. In this regard, Paretos Principle of 80/20 indicates that 80% of revenue is generated by 20% of customers. Segmentation variables used to segment business markets: Industry; Size; Product demand; Purchasing approaches; Geographic factors; Situational factors; and Seasonal trends In addition, while segmenting its target markets, Cadbury considers the following issues: Differences in consumer preferences for particular chocolate products; The co-relation of the variability of individual customer preferences with the measurable variables; The profitability of the targeted market segment considering its purchasing power and size capacity; and The accessibility and attractiveness of the targeted market  [14]  . 3. Industry position strategic options Cadburys strategic positioning is determined by the choice of appropriate pricing techniques. While emphasizing on high quality of its products, effective promotion and sound advertising, as well as value for money, the company applies competitive pricing strategy to ensure that the adjusted prices do not exceed those of the competitors  [15]  . This strategic choice is reasonable and justified since regardless of individual taste preferences or any other essential factors, consumers regard product value as one of the most decisive factors while making their purchasing decisions. Therefore, Cadbury cannot apply skimming pricing technique in the course of designing and launching a new product. This technique can be applied under the conditions of inelastic demand  [16]  . In addition to the effectively applied competitive pricing strategy, Cadbury focuses on cost plus pricing which helps the company to maximize it profits. While accurately accounting all its costs, Cadbury reaches optimal supply and demand balance and well-balanced positioning on the market compared to its competitors. Alternatively, Cadbury applies positioning pricing to set up the prices with the consideration of demand-side concerns. Through polling and surveying its target markets, Cadburys experts designate the optimal price range that would satisfy the majority of the consumers. This positioning technique is particularly applied to better sell Cadburys chocolate bean, for example. Optimal trading also depends on the financial capacity of the demand-side. Therefore, Cadbury applies demand-based pricing to critically assess the purchasing power of the majority of its consumers. Only under such conditions the company is able to trade its products in accordance with the strategically planned volumes. Hence, selling at the customers price brings Cadbury profits, good reputation and positive feedback from the majority of its customers. 4) Competitor reaction Cadbury should develop new products and promote them domestically as well as internationally. Such product/market growth approach will ensure that the company has diversified range of products which are available and well-recognizable in many countries of the world  [17]  . Such strategic choice will provide the company with enormous comparative advantages over its competitors and will help it to better cope with the hurdles of the global economic crisis. Most importantly, such strategic step will erase the common stereotype claiming that consumers mostly associate Cadbury with chocolate. Evidently, Chocolate is Cadbury marketing approach much facilitated the companys success over the last decade. However, considering the challenges of the global competitive markets, this strategy will not be suitable any longer. Hence Cadbury should transform it into more powerful and innovative global image. The variety of new high-quality and reasonably-priced products will add value to the business activity of Cadbury and will win new overseas markets for the company. This task would require the company to carefully design and develop innovative brands of its products which are not yet present on any of the foreign markets, and which will be potentially demanded by the consumers (i.e. target markets)  [18]  . While developing innovative products and penetrating overseas markets, Cadbury should initially consider the demand-side of its target markets. Among the most important criteria are the following: (1) Average income; (2) Average spending amount on one-time supermarket/store purchasing; (2) Average amount consumers are ready to spend on chocolates, candies, cookies, and/or sweets; (3) PESTLE analysis of the target market with the consideration of the adverse affects caused by the global economic meltdown; and (4) Porter analysis of the targeted market. Such wide coverage of strategic issues will win Cadbury competitive advantage and increase its share on the foreign markets. 5) Preferred strategy Cadburys choice of the optimal marketing strategy should consider their chances of success in terms of market diversification. To reach optimal market diversification, the company should ensure that its new product adheres to the customers needs and preferences. Extensive market research will help Cadbury to explicitly identify its potential target markets for a new product. Herewith, Cadburys marketers should consider the following strategic factors: (1) Financial health of the targeted market; (2) Purchasing capacity of target market; (3) National and individual preferences of target market; (4) Previous experiences of target market in terms of buying and tasting the similar products produced by competitor companies; (5) SWOT analysis in each individual case will ensure that Cadbury eliminates all the possible constraints to the minimum and transforms the threats into potential opportunities. Realistic and achievable strategic objectives should be set in accordance with the SMART approach which designates specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed steps. All strategic steps should be done within the framework of the ongoing marketing research of the target markets as well as vast communication with the potential customers. Questionnaires, opinion polls, surveys, feedbacks and any other networking and communication approaches should be widely applied to critically examine the perspective of the product export to the new market. Prior to designate consumer-friendly price, Cadbury should make the consumers want more. Thus, one of the commonest practices will be free-trial approach that will help Cadbury to seduce consumers with the quality, design, taste, and odour of the new product. Eventually, in addition to the marketing research and consumer communication, Cadbury should vastly apply psychological approaches to evaluate the degree of rationality of the buying behaviour of target market. Contrary to popular belief, most buying decisions and purchasing choices are made irrationally. This is because most purchases are made in a rush as well as under the influence of many additional factors, such as in-store influencers, advice from relatives and/or friends. Normally, buyers do not consult experts of which brand of chocolate to choose. This indicates that Cadbury should consider contingency and diversity of consumer choices  [19]  . Summing up the critical examination of Cadburys strategic marketing choices, it is obvious that one-suit-it-all strategic approach will not bring the company long-term benefits. This means that under the conditions of booming globalization of goods and services, Cadbury should win competitive advantages, new markets, and most importantly consumers through flexibility, innovation, and individual-based approaches to its target markets. The companys market diversification should involve all the domestic factors and conditions as well as consumers as such if the company attempts to reach optimal supply and demand balance, add value, and maximize its profits. The analysis has also shown that single marketing strategy is not enough to achieve strategic objectives and financial success in the contemporary business conditions. Thus, Cadbury should permanently experiment and apply the mix of strategic marketing models which optimal combination will depend on the individual conditions particular to the individual targeted markets. The successful implementation of any strategic marketing model would therefore require situational flexibility as well as the readiness to change under the circumstances. Such variability will enable the company to designate and implement strategic marketing mix which will be individual and particular to each strategic marketing model  [20]  . For instance, the strategic marketing combination of approaches to diversifying Indonesian market will be not the same as the strategic marketing mix applied to the Norwegian market. This is because both markets present heterogeneous cultures, backgrounds, national traditio ns. These economies are different and diverse. This means that Cadbury should vary its strategic approaches on each individual market.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Shakespeares King Lear - Goneril and Cordelia in King Lear Essay

The Characters of Goneril and Cordelia in King Lear Nothing makes a story like a good villain, or in this case, good villainess. They are the people we love to hate and yearn to watch burn. Goneril, of Shakespeare’s King Lear, is no exception. Her evils flamed from the very beginning of the play with her lack of sincerity in professing her love for her father: "Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter; Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; As much as child e'er loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable. Beyond all manner of so much I love you. (I.i. 56-62) One can just feel the insincerity and exaggeration in her words, perhaps even a touch of hatred that is bubbling like a volcano on the verge of explosion, which will wreak destruction on everyone and everything that gets in its path. Of course, Shakespeare does not disappoint. The volcano is actually a good analogy for this character, for she does exactly what is expected. Not only does her father feel her wrath, but also her own husband, the Duke of Albany, who she has killed; The Duke of Gloucester whose eyes get gauged out in her presence; her other sister, Regan, who she kills out of jealousy; and Goneril, herself, when she comes face to face with her true self. In regard to her role in the Elizabethan age, Goneril not only stood for evil, but also rebellion. She has rebelled against the accepted role for women by rebelling against both her father and husband. This reflects much of the theme of the play in that rebellion against accepted social order under mines that order, which leads to downfall and chaos. Ag... ...h the wicked prosper, and the virtuous miscarry . . . the audience will not always rise better pleased from the final triumph of persecuted virtue." What exactly was Cordelia's role in the play? Was she there as an angel - like character who made the distinction between good and evil more visible? Was she just thrown in as a little goody- goody who did no wrong, and maybe, to some degree, we were supposed to despise? Or was she there to make us more aware of a crumbling society where many things were opposite to what one might think it should be, with evil generally prevailing over the good (which to some degree is prophetic to today's society)? There are many theories surrounding this character in particular, and no one has reached a definitive conclusion as of late. The best one I can come up with, however, is simply the answer "Yes," to all of the above.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Frank Lloyd Wright: A Comparison Of His Early Works With His Projects :: essays research papers

Frank Lloyd Wright: A Comparison of his Early Work with His Projects in Alabama   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Time has ravaged many of the greatest works of art that mankind has created but one form of art has far outlasted all of the rest. Architecture is the art of buildings but it spills over into designing furniture, bridges, and even cities. There have been many great architects, from the classical builders of ancient Rome and Greece to the Modernists of the last century. All of these men were great in their own right but perhaps the most famous architect ever is Frank Lloyd Wright.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is it that makes an architect stand out from the others in the field? It is a combination of older comfortable designs and cutting edge techniques. Also, it takes a certain amount of perfectionism in even the smallest details such as window design, furniture, and even the types of stones that make up a walkway.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is it that gives an architect that creative genius to be remembered as one of the greatest? Is it learning from other greats and implementing their ideas into new designs? Is it taking designs from nature and turning them into great manmade monuments? Is it turning experiences from life into blueprints that will continue to inspire for years to come? The answer is impossible to find by examining only one architect but some insight may be gained by examining the life and training of the architect and by comparing the early works with the later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first work to be examined is Taliesin. Located in Hillside, Wisconsin and begun in 1911. Taliesin was built as a lasting monument to his lover, Mamah Borthwick ( Cheney ). It was named after a medieval epic poem from Wales called â€Å" The Book Of Taliesin.† It was built at a time in Wright’s life when his personal and professional lives were nearly in ruins. He referred to Taliesin as a â€Å" refuge and retreat for the woman, the work, and himself.†(Levine 76) When Wright began building Taliesin he had turned over control of his architectural firm to Hermann von Holst and had finally been granted a divorce from his tumultuous marriage to his first wife, Catherine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These demons that haunted Wright can be seen in his design for Taliesin and the way he threw himself head long into the completion of the project. Throughout the design for the house Wright mixes elements of the natural landscape to strengthen the lines of the house and to bring out it’s natural beauty.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Key Economic Factors of Microsoft Corporation Essay

As a dominator in both the PC operating system and office suite markets, Microsoft Corporation expose themselves to the cloud-based computing model presents execution and competitive risks. They are transitioning to a computing environment characterized by cloud-based services used with smart client devices. Their competitors are rapidly developing and deploying cloud-based services for consumers and business customers. The pricing and delivery models are evolving, and cause economic growth to move slower. They may not be able to adequately protect their intellectual property rights. Protecting their global intellectual property rights and combating unlicensed copying and use of software and other intellectual property is difficult. While piracy adversely affects U.S. revenue, the impact on revenue from outside the U.S. is more significant, particularly in countries where laws are less protective of intellectual property rights. As a result, their revenue in these markets likely will grow slower than the underlying PC market. Similarly, the absence of harmonized patent laws makes it more difficult to ensure consistent respect for patent rights. Throughout the world, they actively educate consumers about the benefits of licensing genuine products and obtaining indemnification benefits for intellectual property risks, and they educate lawmakers about the advantages of a business climate where intellectual property rights are protected. However, continued educational and enforcement efforts may fail to enhance revenue. Reductions in the legal protection for software intellectual property rights could adversely affect revenue. In conclusion, the economic growth is the main key factor for Microsoft Corporation and this reason likely to continue due to the globally affect issue on the intellectual property rights and unlicensed copying and use of software worldwide. The company in its life cycle Microsoft Corporation is at the stages of maturity, as they are in the market of computing for a few decades. This stage will remain as they are a dominator in the PC operating system and office suite markets. They are devoting significant resources to develop and deploy their own competing cloud-based software plus services strategies. While they have their own expertise, investments in infrastructure, and the breadth of their  cloud-based services provides them with a strong foundation to compete and to remain as a strong player in the market. The five or six most important factors for success in this business In order to success, there is a few factors in Microsoft Corporation including as follow: continuing to innovate and bring to market compelling cloud-based experiences that generate increasing traffic and market share; maintaining the utility, compatibility, and performance of our cloud-based services on the growing array of computing devices, including smartphones, handheld computers, netbooks, tablets, and television set top devices; and continuing to enhance the attractiveness of our cloud platforms to third-party developers. continuing to make significant investments in research, development, and marketing for new products, services, and technologies, including the Windows PC operating system, the Microsoft Office system, Bing, Windows Phone, Windows Server, Zune, Windows Live, the Windows Azure Services platform and other cloud-based services offerings, and Xbox 360. To create competing vertically-integrated model, in which a single firm controls both the software and hardware elements of a product, has been successful with certain consumer products such as personal computers, mobile phones, and digital music players. We also offer vertically-integrated hardware and software products This company stand with respect to these factors? Microsoft Corporation will stand with respect to these factors with the help of talented employee. As their business depends on the ability to attract and retain talented employees. Their business is based on successfully attracting and retaining talented employees. The market for highly skilled workers and leaders in the industry is extremely competitive. They are limited in their ability to recruit internationally by restrictive domestic immigration laws. If they are less successful in their recruiting efforts, or if they are unable to retain key employees, their ability to develop and  deliver successful products and services may be adversely affected. Effective succession planning is also important to their long-term success. Failure to ensure effective transfer of knowledge and smooth transitions involving key employees could hinder their strategic planning and execution. Four key business risks related to client’s business and industry. They may not be able to adequately protect their intellectual property rights. Protecting their global intellectual property rights and combating unlicensed copying and use of software and other intellectual property is difficult. While piracy adversely affects U.S. revenue, the impact on revenue from outside the U.S. is more significant, particularly in countries where laws are less protective of intellectual property rights Third parties may claim we infringe their intellectual property rights. Due to the claiming, Microsoft has to stop selling or redesign affected products, or pay damages to satisfy indemnification commitments with their customers. They may not be able to protect their source code from copying if there is an unauthorized disclosure of source code. Source code, the detailed program commands for their operating systems and other software programs.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Kinds of influences that affect children and young persons’ development including

(a)Personal factors (health), (2.1) (b)External factors (environment), (2.2)Answer:(a)Personal factors that influence/affect children and young person’s development (health)†¢Disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and other physical handicaps can cause learning loss as the child therefore is physically hindered and as we know all areas of development are interlinked, so the others will be affected causing delays and often full capability.†¢Illnesses; especially life threatening or disabling such as Polio or Cancer causes delays in all round development as these can affect muscle development; both major and fine motor, and often never fully develop due to the damaging effects of these diseases to their body. Also, long terms in Hospital or confinement in bed, frailty of body etc. prevent them from physical exertion such as running, skipping, etc. Long absences from school, family, as well as limited interaction socially and physically with other children their age, can in many cases also affect their other areas of development; such as their social, physical, cognitive/intellectual development.†¢Learning difficulties; ADHD, ADD, Autism, Down’s syndrome etc. all affect a child and young person’s ability to develop cognitively, therefore it inhibits the general pattern of development. For example, one of the symptoms of ADHD is low muscle tone which is due to abnormal chemical balances in the brain; â€Å"ADHD is caused by differences in neurotransmitter patterns in certain parts of the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that make it possible for nerve impulses to travel from one nerve cell to another, and therefore play an essential role in the functioning of the  brain.The brain performs a vast range of tasks or functions, allowing us, for instance, to see, hear, think, speak and move. Each function is performed by a different part of the brain. In individuals with ADHD there are lower than normal levels of certain n eurotransmitters (especially dopamine) in the regions of the brain that are responsible for regulating behaviour and attention. Research also confirms that the Norepinephrine system is also involved in some patients.†Further Resources: (â€Å"Chemical imbalance: Children who have ADD may not make enough chemicals in key areas of the brain that are responsible for organizing thought.Experts believe an imbalance of the chemicals that helps nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other, called neurotransmitters, may be a factor in the development of ADD symptoms. Without enough of these chemicals, the organizing centers of the brain don't work well.† factors (environment), (2.2)†¢Family Environment or care status is a very important factor in a child/young person’s development; who cares for the child? Is it a ‘regular’ two parent family, a one parent family or a split family, with two sets of parents, or a large extended family living together in one home? These can all have differing; some positive and other situations often can have adverse affects.Is the care regular and consistent or is it irregular and so disruptive for the developing child? Culturally families differ and the child might not have their parents caring for them but instead elderly Grandparents and this can have an adverse affect on a child who is growing up in a nation that usually has western ideals in parenting; the Father and Mother are usually the direct caregivers.†¢Poverty is usually a negative factor in a child’s development and their environment as a whole. They usually live in small homes in unsafe areas, with high crime statistics, noise putting the child in constant threat of harm and a lack of a sense of peace and safety. Food is usually not as ample or nutritious as it is in a home with a better income, often the only income being benefits or maybe one salary from a single parent. Their health may be neglected due to lack of monies for good health care, especially in nations where it is not government sponsored.Children and young people, as a result of poverty, may be subjected to care givers or parents who may be substance abusers due to depression often due to having a poor income or lack thereof because of unemployment. This may result in neglect, abuse or in some cases even desertion. This then leads to the child being placed under the custody of other caregivers and often the state, so disrupting the child’s life. This often results in a lack of a sense of belonging and self worth in the child and can be carried with them into young adulthood.This can all add stress to a child and they may develop anger and feelings of resentment towards themselves, their family/care givers and society as a whole. As teenagers these c hildren can develop severe depression and this can lead to high mortality rates and low life expectancy in many impoverished communities.†¢Education is an important factor in all round development, and whether the parent/care giver is able to spend time with the child, send them to early development classes such as nursery schools or Moms and Toddler workshops etc., where various methods of teaching and activities are centered around the expected pattern of development. Some parents prefer to Home School their children and this may hinder the child’s social, and often physical and cognitive development due to lack of interaction with other children their own age, as well as learning resources.Some children may be affected by being placed in school too early and therefore may appear to be behind in their learning and development. This may lead to the child struggling to keep up with their peers. Gender affects learning too as girls usually develop at a faster rate all rou nd, maturing earlier than boys.Siblings and other children can stimulate development as the child studies have shown that children usually learn through and imitate other children around them, and this can install a healthy sense of competitiveness. A hindrance may be cultural differences in education as well as language. If a child is learning in another language this may have an adverse affect on their learning and understanding. This can further influence their cognitive and social development as they are unable to think and communicate easily in an unfamiliar language, and this can cause embarrassment and frustration.All areas of development are interlinked and so when one is negatively affected so the rest are usually inhibited, therefore affecting the expected pattern and rate of development in a child and young person.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Neonatal Screening Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Health And Social Care Essay

Methods: We assessed whether adult females would be willing to partake in a pilot testing plan for antenatal intoxicant exposure in a bad obstetric unit antecedently shown to hold a high prevalence of FAEE-positive meconium when tested anonymously. The testing plan involved voluntary testing of meconium for FAEEs and long-run developmental followup of positive instances through an bing public wellness plan. Consequences: The engagement rate in the showing plan was significantly lower than when proving was offered anonymously ( 78 % vs. 95 % , severally ; p & lt ; 0.05 ) , and the positiveness rate was 3 % A in contrast to 30 % observed under anon. conditions ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) . Interpretation: These low rates suggest that the bulk of imbibing female parents refused to take part. We conclude that despite the possible benefits of such screening plans, maternal involuntariness to consent, probably due to fear, embarrassment, and guilt, may restrict the effectivity of meconium proving for population-based unfastened showing.Introduction:Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ( FASD ) encompasses the wide scope of physical, cognitive, and behavioural disablements that can originate due to antenatal intoxicant exposure ( 1 ) . Affecting an estimated 9.1/1000 unrecorded births, it is a taking preventable cause of mental deceleration in the western universe ( 2 ) , with estimated one-year costs in Canada transcending $ 5 billion in productiveness losingss, medical costs, particular instruction, societal services, and projecting behaviors ( 3 ) . Although the primary alcohol-induced harm is lasting, early diagnosing is good and associated with a reduced hazard of secondary disablements such as disrupted school experience, unemployment, institutionalization, and problem with the jurisprudence ; probably because it permits early intercession and specialised support ( 4 ) . Unfortunately, acknowledging FASD is highly ambitious and diagnosing is frequently contingent upon set uping a history of important in-utero intoxicant exposure ( 1 ) . Since maternal studies are undependable in providing this information due to remember prejudice and common underreporting ( 5 ; 6 ) , nonsubjective biomarkers have been investigated. Fatty acerb ethyl esters ( FAEEs ) are non-oxidative metabolites of ethyl alcohol formed by esterification of ethyl alcohol to endogenous fatty acids or fatty acyl-CoA ( 7 ; 8 ) that sedimentation and accumulate in foetal meconium ( 9 ; 10 ) . Numerous surveies have validated meconium FAEEs as biomarkers of heavy antenatal intoxicant exposure happening in the last two trimesters of gestation ( 11-19 ) ; understanding between meconium FAEEs and assorted alcohol-related results has been demonstrated ( 18 ; 20-23 ) ; and this trial has been used anonymously to obtain epidemiological informations on antenatal intoxicant exposure in selected populations ( 23-25 ) . It has been recognized that meconium analysis may function as a neonatal showing tool for the designation of alcohol-exposed neonates, and could potentially be implemented as a cosmopolitan screen or targeted to bad populations ( 26 ) . Such testing would non merely supply accurate exposure history required for diagnosing, but if implemented along with a comprehensive follow-up plan and intercessions, could ease early acknowledgment and intervention of FASD ( 26-28 ) . As an added value, it may place and let for intercession in problem-drinking female parents, which, in bend, may forestall future alcohol-exposed gestations ( 7 ) . However, since informed consent from a competent patient or appointed guardian prior to intervention or testing is an ethical and legal constituent of medical pattern ( 29 ; 30 ) , a testing plan of this nature would necessitate consent of the kid ‘s legal defender ( typically the parent ) . This may decrease the value of meconium showing in a clinica l scene since embarrassment, guilt, and frights of stigma and child apprehensiveness may discourage adult females who consumed intoxicant from accepting to proving despite the possible value to child wellness. To find if adult females would volitionally take part in a neonatal showing plan for antenatal intoxicant exposure, we offered meconium proving with subsequent followup, intercessions and societal supports, to adult females from a regional Ontario population presenting in a bad obstetric unit antecedently shown to hold a high prevalence of alcohol-exposed newborns as determined by anon. meconium proving. We assessed the rates of voluntary engagement and positiveness for intoxicant exposure, and compared these with the rates observed with anon. proving.Methods:Capable enlisting:Written informed consent for meconium FAEE analysis and followup of those proving positive was sought from all Grey-Bruce adult females presenting at St. Joseph ‘s Health Care in London Ontario from November 1st, 2008 to May 31st, 2010. Briefly, Grey-Bruce occupants identified by nurses were informed of the survey, offered showing, and given an Informed Consent papers to reexamine and subscribe if they ch ose to take part. Womans were besides informed of the survey through booklets and postings in the pregnancy ward. It was stressed that a positive trial or self-report of imbibing in gestation would non ask engagement of kid protection bureaus, but would be used to originate follow-up by the Public Health nurse and her section and to mobilise support services if needed.Meconium aggregation, handling, and analysis:Meconium specimens from newborns born to accepting adult females were collected into 50-mL screw cap conelike polypropene tubings ( Sarstedt AG & A ; Co. , Numbrecht, Germany ) by nursing staff and labeled with the capable figure to guarantee confidentiality. Samples were stored onsite at -20A °C and shipped on dry ice to the Motherisk Laboratory at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario on a fortnightly footing where they were stored at -80A °C until analysis. Meconium FAEEs were measured utilizing headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. The method involves the sensing and quantification of four FAEEs ( ethyl palmitate, linoleate, oleate, and stearate ) utilizing matching d5-ethyl esters as internal criterions. It has been developed and validated in our research lab, and published in item elsewhere ( 31 ; 32 ) . Heptane, ethyl esters ( palmitate, linoleate, oleate, stearate ) , fatty acids ( palmitic, linoleic, oleic, stearic ) , anhydrous ethanol-d6, and thionyl chloride were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Co. ( St. Louis, MO ) . Acetone was obtained from EMD Chemicals Inc. ( Gibbstown, NJ ) . Chromatograms were analyzed utilizing LabSolutions GCMSsolution package version 2.50SU1 ( Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan ) . A cumulative amount of a†°?2.00 nmol FAEE/gram meconium was considered positive, bespeaking heavy imbibing with 100 % sensitiveness and 98.4 % specificity as was established in a population ba seline survey that measured meconium FAEEs in newborns born to ascetics, societal drinkers, and confirmed heavy drinkers ( 16 ) .Maternal and neonatal features:Capable features along with gestation and bringing information were obtained from charts of accepting adult females. Additionally, information on intoxicant usage was obtained by the nursing staff utilizing the Parkyn Screening Tool ; a everyday postpartum questionnaire.Follow-up and neurodevelopmental appraisal:Children with positive meconium consequences were followed-up through Ontario ‘s †Healthy Babies Healthy Children † ( HBHC ) plan that involves postpartum home-visits by public wellness nurses who provide personalized support and instruction to households with neonates ( 33 ) . In this survey, the nurse assigned to a positive instance was notified of meconium trial consequences, conducted an in-depth household appraisal ( including a screen for intoxicant usage upsets ) , and enrolled the household i n an on-going home-visiting plan with an individualised household service program that included regular appraisals of developmental mileposts utilizing the Ages and Stages QuestionnairesA ® ( ASQ ) . Children with positive trial consequences besides received neurodevelopmental appraisal by a certified clinical psychologist during two place visits ; around 3 months and 1-1.5 old ages of age. The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition ( Bayley-IIIA ® ) was used, which measures infant cognitive, lingual, and motor operation. If developmental holds were detected, extra service suppliers were engaged through referrals to intercession plans and specialized services that were provided through HBHC plan and Grey-Bruce Health Unit at no cost to the household. Need for referral to diagnostic services at the Hospital for Sick Children was assessed. Extra support services for the household were available if needed, including dependence intervention, guidance, rearing support, instruction on FASD, nutrition, employment, and diversion.Comparison with anon. meconium testing:The showing plan was launched in a bad obstetric unit where a old survey, utilizing anon. meconium testing, observed a 12-fold higher hazard of FAEE-positive meconium in adult females referred to this site as compared to the general population of the part ( 30 % vs. 2.5 % ) . About 95 % of adult females participated in that survey. To find whether adult females who consumed intoxicant during gestation agreed to take part in the pilot unfastened t esting plan, the rates of voluntary engagement and positiveness for antenatal intoxicant exposure observed in our unfastened plan, were compared to rates observed in that old anon. survey conducted in the same obstetrical unit a twelvemonth before ( 25 ) . Fisher ‘s Exact Test was used to compare the consequences of the two surveies. Two-tailed P-value & lt ; 0.05 was considered statistically important.Ethical motives:The survey was approved by the research moralss boards of the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Western Ontario.Consequence:Willingness of female parents to take part in unfastened testing plan:Sixty female parents from Grey-Bruce were identified at St. Joseph ‘s Hospital and offered meconium showing, of which 47 adult females consented, numbering a 78 % consent rate ( Figure 1 ) . The maternal and neonatal features of accepting topics are presented in Table 1. The consent rate was significantly lower than that observed in old survey in which meconium was tested anonymously ( 95 % vs. 78 % ) ( P & lt ; 0.05 ) ( Table 2 ) . Of involvement, we documented one case where a adult female recalled take parting in the anon. prevalence survey with her old babe, but refused to take part in this unfastened testing plan when told there would be follow-up of positive instances. Additionally, we encountered a adult female who, although agreed to take part, was uncooperative, repeatedly pretermiting to advise the nurses that meconium had passed and flinging the samples so that none were collected.Positivity for antenatal intoxicant exposure in pilot testing plan:Samples were collected from 50 newborns of which 39 were successfully analyzed ( Figure 1 ) . Merely one of the 39 samples tested above the positive cut-off ( a†°?2 nmol/g ) for FAEE ( 52 nmol/g ) , which translated to a 3 % positiveness rate for antenatal intoxicant exposure. Eleven samples were non-analyzable because of presence of contaminations and/or postpartum stool that impeded chromatography. The ascertained 3 % positiveness rate for antenatal ethyl alcohol exposure was tenfold lower than the 30 % positiveness rate observed under anon. conditions in the old survey ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) ( Table 2 ) .Maternal self-report of intoxicant usage in gestation:Chart reviews did non uncover that substance maltreatment ( intoxicant or drugs ) was the primary ground for referral to St. Joseph ‘s Health Care in any of the instances. Three adult females admitted to devouring any sum of intoxicant in gestation on their antenatal consumption signifiers, including the adult female whose babe ‘s meconium tested positive for FAEEs. However, none reported refering intoxicant usage, with one adult female saying that she drank a†°Ã‚ ¤2 drinks per hebdomad, another coverage that she consumed an â€Å" occasional drink † , and the 3rd saying she drank merely prior to her cognition of gestation without traveling into farther inside informations.F ollow-up and neurodevelopmental appraisal of positive instance:One newborn tested positive for heavy antenatal ethyl alcohol exposure ( 52 nmol FAEE/g meconium ) . Follow-up was arranged as per protocol through the HBHC plan and a public wellness nurse assigned to the instance initiated an appropriate household service program affecting place visits and frequent appraisals of the baby ‘s development. Neurodevelopmental appraisal conducted by a certified clinical psychologist at 3 months of age utilizing BSID-IIIA ® did non uncover any holds ; nevertheless, holds in motor development became evident in 6-month and 8-month appraisals conducted by the public wellness nurse utilizing ASQ. At the 14-month appraisal conducted by a clinical psychologist utilizing BSID-III, the kid scored in low mean scope on motor and linguistic communication graduated tables, exposing holds peculiarly in gross motor and expressive linguistic communication operation, which were good below age outloo ks ( in the 9th and 5th percentile, severally ) . The baby was enrolled in an Infant and Child Development plan and will be referred to a Language and Speech development plan. Referrals to diagnostic clinics have non yet been made, and it is non known whether the ascertained holds are alcohol-related or possibly due to other factors.Interpretation:We observed that engagement and positiveness rates in our unfastened pilot testing plan were significantly lower than those observed when the trial was offered anonymously in the same bad unit, proposing that many adult females who consumed intoxicant in gestation refused to take part, non wishing to be identified by the showing plan. Of involvement, if we assume that all refusals were in fact positive samples, the positiveness rate in our population would number 27 % , which is similar to the positiveness rate observed by Goh and co-workers with anon. meconium testing ( 25 ) . To our cognition, this is the first survey to use biomarkers of foetal intoxicant exposure in an unfastened showing plan designed to ease diagnosing and intervention of alcohol-affected kids. Our consequences suggest that, despite the possible benefits that such screening plans may supply ( as was exemplified by the positive instance ) , adult females ‘s involuntariness to consent may decrease the value of unfastened population-based showing. Schemes to better engagement would necessitate to be investigated if meconium showing is implemented in clinical pattern. For illustration, the â€Å" opt-out † method to derive consent was shown to give higher proving rates in neonatal HIV showing ( 34 ) . Engagement rates may besides increase with societal selling, public instruction, and as the trial becomes established in society. If this occurs, the testing plan piloted here may function as a theoretical account for a plan that can be implemented in a clinical scene since it ut ilized presently bing services in the community. The developmental followup of kids identified by the screen was integrated into Ontario ‘s HBHC plan, and aid to kids exposing holds was provided through bing community wellness plans and services, such as address and linguistic communication, baby and kid development, and rearing support ; which may all be adapted to integrate intercessions and schemes shown to be effectual in helping kids with FASD and their households ( 35 ; 36 ) . Low engagement is non the lone possible obstruction to implementing testing in clinical pattern. The costs and resources required for proving, follow-up, diagnosing, and intercessions, every bit good as, system capacity to manage these instances, must be considered. Two cost-effectiveness surveies analyzing similar conjectural showing plans showed that decrease in secondary disablements and primary bar of FASD by intercession and instruction of female parents may take to social nest eggs ( 27 ; 28 ) . However, more surveies with concrete cost input variables are needed to find this. Furthermore, several ethical considerations could besides impede testing execution. Although showing can better quality of life through early diagnosing, observing maternal imbibing during gestation and labeling kids as â€Å" at-risk † may transport serious psychosocial deductions for these kids and their households, and affect relationships both within the household and between the household and society, including their service suppliers ( 37 ) . The trial consequences may potentially be misused by tribunals, societal services, insurance companies, and even within the health-care system through stigmatisation of patients ensuing in their under-treatment. To guarantee that households experience maximal benefits and minimal hazards, issues environing confidentiality, entree to consequences, and their usage, must be carefully considered. Our survey has restrictions. The pilot testing plan was implemented at a third parturition site, which was chosen due to the high prevalence of FAEE-positive meconium shown in a old anon. survey. Because Grey-Bruce communities are reasonably little in size, the consequences may hold been different if showing was implemented at a primary parturition site, where patients may be more trusting of their wellness attention suppliers, who probably provided them with antenatal attention. Alternatively, because the community is little, adult females may be even less likely to accept because of frights of stigmatisation and other societal deductions that may be more marked in a little community. Whatever the instance may be, the consequences may non be applicable to a primary health-care scene in a little community. To sum up, this is the first survey to implement an unfastened neonatal testing plan for antenatal intoxicant exposure aimed at easing sensing and direction of FASD. Follow-up, intercessions, and support plans were individualized and offered within the model of presently available services in the country, thereby patterning a plan that could be implemented in clinical pattern. We demonstrated that adult females ‘s involuntariness to partake in this showing, particularly of those who consumed intoxicant in gestation, may impede the execution of such testing plans in clinical pattern. Future surveies should research schemes that may better adult females ‘s willingness to consent, every bit good as, evaluate and reference other possible barriers to testing by finding the cost-effectiveness, logistics, and best patterns for plan execution.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Persuasive Letter Essay

Possible internships for your company In such a successful and powerful company such as, M&M Title Services, inc. , you probably are a very busy company. Sometimes having a few extra people around to help out in the company can be very helpful. For this reason, City College is offering well trained and qualified interns to work and internship in your company. At City College, our students are very hardworking and intelligent people. In order for us to allow a student to become an intern, they must meet certain requirements such as having completed two or more courses in the area of internship and received a â€Å"B† or better. According to our internship program: Interns that work for your company can either be paid or unpaid, should involve substantive work supervised by someone in your company and must have at least 100 hours of on-site work experience during the term. We at City College are more then willing to discuss and compromise on any of these requirements. You may be debating whether or not students at City College can really be good interns, but let me assure you, these students are one of the best and can be outstanding interns. I encourage you and your company to have one or more of our student’s intern in your company, you won’t regret it. Sincerely, Stephanie Morales Stephanie Morales Director of Internship Program